Camp Guidelines


The following camp rule and policy documents are for use and reference with the online application forms.

Camper Policy Documents

Staff Policy Documents


  • Campers that are appropriately licensed and insured may drive their vehicles to and from camp, but will not be allowed to drive during the camp session. They will turn their keys into their counselor.

  • All vehicles operated at camp must be operated in accordance with the laws of the state of Texas and all posted rules and speed limits.  Seatbelts shall be worn at all times.


  • Waterfront activities (including swimming, canoeing, and wading) will be conducted under the supervision of lifeguards.  Lifeguards will be on duty at all times when campers are engaged in waterfront activities.

  • Campers will swim only during the supervised hours and with the group. Mixed swimming is not permitted.

  • Cabin counselors will assign waterfront “buddies” to allow accountability (“buddy”) checks during waterfront activities.  Campers that fail a “buddy check” may be suspended from waterfront activities.

  • All swimmers (including those using the tire swing) must make a swimming proficiency demonstration, under the supervision of a lifeguard, before being allowed to swim.

  • Campers will stay in the designated areas and will not interfere with or distract the lifeguards.

  • Rock throwing is prohibited.

  • Campers that violate any waterfront rule or fail to follow a counselor or lifeguard instruction will be subjected to disciplinary action.