Online Giving via Tithe.ly
You can give a contribution or memorial donation here via a credit card, bank draft or apple pay. We suggest creating an account so you can track your giving totals throughout the year. By creating an account, we’ll be able to provide you with an annual report for your taxes. You can also save your banking or credit card information for future contributions or set your contribution to recurring.
We prefer that the donor cover any fees incurred for online giving; however, you do have the option to click No under “Cover the fees” and the church will be charged the fees instead.
Transaction fees are as follows:
Credit/Debit transaction 2.9% + .30 cents
ACH/Bank Acct/Apple Pay: 1% + .30 cents
AMEX: 3.5% + .30 cents
Other methods of payment may be available.
Click the Green Give Button below to contribute. If you have any questions, contact the church office during business hours. Thank you for your contribution.
Please note: the company we are using for online giving is named Tithe.ly. We know that tithing is not a New Testament commandment, but this company is one of the best solutions for online giving. If you have any questions, please see one of the elders.