Our Events

At Weber Road Church of Christ, we realize the importance of hosting a variety of events that encourage and challenge our members and visitors, while honoring God. Therefore, we have intentionally planned different types of events for all ages. Our events range from Gospel meetings with an assortment of topics to a family-friendly
Trunk-N-Treat. The purpose of these events are to build a deeper relationship with others, our community, and God. We want to invite you to join us. If you have any questions, about any event, please feel free to contact us.

We are looking forward to our upcoming Ladies’ Day on Saturday, September 20, 2025 with Michelle Fricks as the speaker.

Please call 361-853-7701 for more information.

Ladies Day

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is held each Summer and will be held from Sunday to Wednesday, June 8-11, 2025. While VBS is THE children's event of the year, we have classes for all ages!  Nightly activities include Bible lessons for all ages, skits, songs, crafts, games and refreshments. Community members are encouraged to attend and bring their children each evening. 

VBS is a fun and memorable way for children and their families to become involved in Bible study and learn more about our God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Polvado-Doubrava Camp Session (Camp Bandina)

Every summer we attend the Polvado-Doubrava camp session at Camp Bandina in the Texas hill country.  This event is the highlight of the summer.  The dates for 2025 are June 22-28.  The typical week is the last week of June.  This camp session is open for those 9 years old through the first summer after completing high school.  There is also an opportunity for adults to volunteer at camp, either as a counselor, lifeguard, nurse or in food service. 

During the week, there is time to play sports, games, snacks, and even swim in the Medina River.  The main focus of Camp is spiritual growth for our campers.  We have two Bible classes a day with a Bible competition on Friday.  There is special times dedicated to lifting up our voices to God in singing.  At night the entire camp gathers for a period of worship.

Click here to be sent to the Polvado-Doubrava Camp Session Page for more information.

Summer Series

For many years, during the summer months, we have enjoyed guest speakers from the Coastal Bend and beyond as they speak on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM.

Summer Series 2025 will cover “Lessons from the Life of Peter.” Speakers scheduled are: Trey Fricks (Weber Road), John Moore (Colorado), Kevin Hunt (Port Lavaca/Weber Road), Eddie Rodriguez (Corpus Christi), Don D’Herde (Aransas Pass), Cody Kilgore (Riverside/Corpus Christi), Cody McCoy (Victoria/Mid Town), David Vestal (Mathis), Grant Jackson (Weber Road), Michael Jiminez (Odem), and Reagan Hammitt (Missouri).

Various Bible based themes have been covered during these summer months which included focus on: Family, Morality, Worship, Salvation, Old Testament Stories, Parables, Jesus' Life and Teachings, Important Bible Passages, and more. All are invited to join us during our annual Summer Series!

Summer Youth Series (SYS)

During the Summer, area Churches of Christ host a Youth Devotional at their building on Thursday nights at 7 PM in the months of July and August.  The theme changes every year to highlight various topics our teenagers face.  Participating Churches of Christ congregations include Riverside (Calallen), Mathis, Odem and Weber Road.


Trunk-N-Treat is our annual event that is scheduled for Saturday, October 25, 2025. It will be held from 2:00-4:30 PM at the Weber Road church building parking lot and fellowship hall. Children from within the congregation as well as those in the community are invited to participate.  It is a safe and fun way to play games hosted by members of the church family. Children can also gather candy and prizes as well as have some laughs while they dress in friendly costumes.  We usually bring in a bouncy house and a dunk tank for those who wish to dunk the youth minister or parents who volunteer.

Bible Bowl

Weber Road Bible Bowl in an annual competition held on the second Saturday of November. The 42st Annual Bible Bowl will be held on Saturday, November 8, 2025. The topic of study will be “Facts of the Bible, Part 2” (Isaiah through Revelation).

Competition is for 2nd graders through 12th graders. Any congregation or individual may participate.  A study guide, registration form, sample tests, competition schedule, and instructions may be found by clicking the link below and will be updated by May. The New King James Version will be used. To cover the cost of awards, lunch and other needed items, there is a $10 fee per participant and $5 for adults and non-participants.

Click here for more information